It’s been far too long!!! I know I've been off the scene for a while. I had to take some time out for ME. Had to fill myself so that my cup could runneth over. I rested. I prayed. I meditated. Long story, short. I took a sabbatical.

Now that my cup is full, my vision is focused, & my energy is fully charged, my Capricorn sun is ready to get back to the mission: to help the collective heal!
So many of you have asked & I am proud to announce that I will finally be offering Reiki I certifications and attunements!!!! This is exciting for me because I have always tried to empower my clients and now I’m ready to help you take your self healing to the next level. There’s a saying that goes “if you give a man a fish you feed him for a day. If you teach a man how to fish you feed him for a lifetime”.
Reiki I is a practitioner's introduction into reiki. The emphasis on this class is self healing. We will learn about the history of reiki, self healing methods, & how to build your spiritual muscles so that you will be in a position to heal yourself. Reiki II is where you focus on healing others and can branch off into the different niches of reiki. But first and foremost you have to work on you. Some reiki masters will give their students their reiki 1 & 2 attunements together. I was not taught this way and I will be providing my services the way that I know works from personal experiences.
Classes will begin on May 1 and will be 1-on-1 for now. Click here to sign up.
But wait… there’s more!
Starting in June, I will solely be focused on teaching reiki. But I won’t leave you high and dry. Over the next 4-5 weeks I will be introducing you to healers that I have worked with and trust. I'm talking the heavy hitters... the OG's... the ones who I know are true to this!! The people that will be featured are kindred spirits that I have trusted with my own energy.
Stay tuned. Tell your people to sign up for the blog updates because I'm bringing some heat that you don't want to miss.